The RCC Run CI File


The RCC Run CI File is a YAML or json file in your repository that specifies the tests/benchmarks you want to run after building your code. Currently, this file consists of the a single list object tests that has the following attributes :

  • execution_command This is the path to a script in your repository to run a specific test

  • command_group The command group is used to group execution commands that are dependent. Execution commands in the same command group are run sequentially in the order they are placed in the tests block, unless the –ignore-job-dependencies flag is sent to rcc-run

  • output_directory The directory on the cluster, relative a unique workspace, where the execution command should be run.

  • partition The compute partition to run the execution command under. See How to Customize the Cluster

  • batch_options Options to send to Slurm sbatch to submit the job (excluding the --partition option)


  - command_group: "sleep"
    execution_command: "test/"
    output_directory: "sleep"
    partition: "c2-standard-8"
    batch_options: "--ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=05:00"

  - command_group: "cowsay"
    execution_command: "test/"
    output_directory: "cowsay-hello"
    partition: "c2-standard-8"
    batch_options: "--ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=05:00"

  - command_group: "cowsay"
    execution_command: "test/"
    output_directory: "cowsay-ready"
    partition: "c2-standard-8"
    batch_options: "--ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --time=05:00"